Birthdate: December 19, 1980
Height: 5'9" Weight: 145-ish lbs.
College: I JUST DON'T KNOW, OK!!!!!!!!! Every person on the face of the planet feels it is necessary to ask me this question and I just don't know yet! Apparently, the only value a senior in high school has in life is informing others of thier future plans, so evidently I am just worthless!!! ...but most likely Boston U or UC Berkeley
Major: What a surprise--undecided, headed for a masters in "still don't know"
Instant Messenger:
Particpation In Sports: Yes, soccer and track, although I'm not too sure about track with Raychops actually qualifying as a sport exactly. But hey, it works on applications!
A "Dutch Oven" is: I should really try and make something up and pretend I don't know what one is, but because I have this freakish mind that remembers only random and useless facts, I'm pretty sure that a dutch oven is like two pots inside each other, used for canning and things of that nature. I think it's similar to a double boiler. I have no idea why or how I know that.
Favorite Song: An old irish drinking song my dad found called "McFadden's Handsome Daughter". I think it has a catchy title.
Favorite Band: Sublime
Best Concert Ever Attended: Barenaked Ladies, they are so-- good live!
Motto: I've got two: First, Friendship is by far the single most valuable thing anyone can have, give, or desire; and Second, How hard to work in life can be measured the same way as how hard to throw a horseshoe--throwing it too far is equally as bad, (if not worse) as not throwing it far enough.
Favorite Cartoon: Doug
Shoe Size: 9 1/2
Favorite Soft Drink: Cherry Coke
Favorite Beverage: Hot Chocolate
Claim to Fame: I'm not aware of having one. How dissapointing.
If You Could Have One Meal It Would Be: What I've eaten for lunch every day for the past 4 years--a bagel sandwich and a red apple
Connect 4: Black or Red? Red
Favorite Ice Cream: Healthy Choice French Silk...mmmm, mmmm, mmmmm.
Favorite Holiday: Easter, the obvious choice for a true chocoholic. My parents were never very good at hiding my basket, so you get a quick fix, not like halloween where you have to walk for ever for every freaking piece of candy.
If You Won The Lottery (Big Jackpot), Name One Thing You'd Do: Go to Europe, bring my friends, and see some of the world
Why Did I Decide To Put You On My Website? Because you are an extraordinarily nice guy. Other than that, I haven't figured it out either.
Boxers or Briefs? I'm a minimalist in the underwear department.
Toothpaste Of Choice: Aquafresh
Favorite Movie: Very tough question. I'm going to be annoying and put a bunch. From past to present: BEach Blanket Bingo; Grease; Clifford; Heathers; and Austin Powers to name a few.
Most Annoying TV Jingle: Those terrible Century III Chevrolet commercials. If you are living outside the Pittsburgh area, you are blessed enough to not know what i'm talking about, but believe me, they are horrid. (Centruy 3, chevrolet, lebanon chuch road Pittsburgh...minutes from the mall!)