Birthdate: May 11, 1980
Height: 5'2" (a.k.a--dwarf height) Weight: 112 lbs
College: Washington & Jefferson College
Major: Biology/Pre-Med----Yes, I'm crazy!!
Instant Messenger: Jazzbo98
Participation In Sports: If drinking counts....
A "Dutch Oven" is: I have absolutely no clue why the hell you are asking this one PEgor, som I am refraining from writing a dumb ass response----I plead the 5th!!
Favorite Song: Toss up between: No, No, No, NO by Destiny's Child and Have You Ever? by Brandy
Favortie Band: Hmmm...Bare Naked Ladies, Garth & of course...Madonna (she's the woman!)
Best Concert Ever Attended: Tie between Lynyrd Skynyrd and Jante Jackson/Usher---fortunately I kept my bra on for the Skynyrd concert, hehe!
Motto: I love fishes cuz they're sooo delicious
Favorite Cartoon: Doug
Shoe Size: 6.5
Favorite Soft Drink: Dr. Pepper
Favorite Drink: Iced Tea with MAD sugar in it!!
Claim to Fame: Well, let's see STAT girl, my list: Beer Bong Queen...I can't name them all!!
If You Could Have One Meal, It Would Be: Anything but Commons Food!
Connect 4: Black or Red ? Red all the way!!
Favorite Ice Cream: Mint Chocolate Chip
Favorite Holiday: 4th of July----I LOVE fireworks!
If You Won The Lottery (Big Jackpot), Name One Thing You'd Do: Definitely buy a new car and...that damn RV!!
Why Did I Decide You To Put On My Website: Because you are allowed to talk to me now that I am divorced!! Ha Ha!
Favorite Garment: My TOMMY hoodie!!!
Boxers or Briefs: Personally, I wear far from either, but definitely boxers on guys
Toothpaste Of Choice: Colgate Gel--the blue kind
Favorite Movie: Austin Powers and Grease
Most Annoying TV Jingle: "They're coming to tow me away, HA HA!"---Damn BP forever!!
In 25 Words Or Less, Who Is 'Da Man', and why? Well, I have to say that my bud Scott Duncan is the man, because he is the only one who can successfully make his 5 a.m. prank calls still make me laugh!! I love him!! (I can't count)