Birthdate: June 17, 1980
Height: 6'2 Weight: 196 lbs.
College: University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown
Major: Hahahahaha!!! Umm, undecided.
Instant Messenger: What's AOL instant messenger?
Particpation In Sports: Ultimate Frisbee Club; Intramural Sports Galore
A "Dutch Oven" is: Wasn't there a story about a dutch kid that stuck his finger in a dike? I think that's what a dutch oven is: when a little kid sticks his warm finger in a dike
Favorite Song: Anything by the Doors or Led Zeppelin
Favorite Band: The Doors
Best Concert Ever Attended: Robert Plant and Jimmy Page, summer '98
Motto: "It's not illegal unless you get caught"
Favorite Cartoon: Eek! The Cat...who's ever seen a purple cat? Genius.
Shoe Size: 14 in normal shoes; 13 in dress shoes
Favorite Soft Drink: Cherry coke or Wild Cherry pepsi
Favorite Beverage: Anything but "Milwaukee's Best"; what the hell kinda beer is that anyway?
Claim to Fame: Prom king is a good one, but maybe being one of teh few people to break and partially fall through the infamous glass windows at Hampton High might be better.
If You Could Have One Meal It Would Be: Anything but cafeterai food, freakin' government ration crap!
Connect 4: Black or Red? Black
Favorite Ice Cream: Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough
Favorite Holiday: Martin Luther King Jr.'s birthday, observed
If You Won The Lottery (Big Jackpot), Name One Thing You'd Do: Never read another assignment or write another stupid paper as long as I breath; I probably wouldn't 'have to declare a major either
Why Did I Decide To Put You On My Website? With a nickname like 'Flash' and my incredible frisbee skills (matched only by Pegor's), why WOULDN'T you put me on your website?
Favorite Garment: Those lacy black panti....I mean, a pair of blue jeans, and a, uh, white t-shirt
Boxers or Briefs? Briefs, support is a good thing
Toothpaste Of Choice: Whatever my mommy buys me
Favorite Movie: "Horacio, Protege de los Libros"
Most Annoying TV Jingle: How 'bout that one for donut connection with those whiny little kids? I think the commercial appeals to pedophiles.
In 25 Words Or Less, Who Is 'Da Man', and why? Wasn't he the sone of satan on that one episode of South Park, you know, where he sets people and buildings on fire and Jesus and satan have teh boxing match? Oh, wait, that's "damIEn"...