days till Christmas.

Merry Christmas - 27.7K
bar063.gif - Christmas Lights

bar063.gif - Christmas Lights
Christmas TreeMerry Christmas!!! Christmas is the best time of year. You get presents. No way around it it is the one thing everyone looks for. And not to mention the Christmas dinner. Christmas is the time of love and peace. May everyone have a Merry Chrismas and a Happy New Year. May there be Peace on Earth.

bar063.gif - Christmas Lights



Here comes St. Nick, a.k.a. Santa Clause

He will fill your stocking

And give you lots of toys...

Below I have some Christmas sites that you may like. They are little things like Santa's Workshop and The North Pole.

Click on the North Pole to visit Santa's Secret Village!!

Visit The North Pole

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And Remember, Christmas comes but only once a year...

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