Take a look at the pictures below, but be aware, some may cause eye problems, especialy since it is being shown on a computer monitor.

These are some pretty cool pictures if you can look at them right. Some are not worth seeing in 2-D, but they really pop out at you when you look at them right. I will have a little help page for those who can't get the picture right. There you can learn how to see the pictures looking cross-eyed and looking at them in parallel. You will see what I mean in the test page below.

Test Pictures...............

Look at this test image first, concentrate on the center and you may want to look a little cross-eyed at it, it will start working when you see three images and look at the middle one and it should pop out just a little. Look at these next ones and see if you can see them in 3-D!!!!!!!!!

You need to look a little harder at this one and when you get it right it should read right eye left. Here are some more.

These test ones are harder because they are further apart but you can see them, it can be done.

Here is a harder picture to see but try it

Use these two links to see the other pictures, such as Cross-eyed Pictures, Parallel Pictures, and 3-D Images.....
Parallel Pictures and Cross-Eyed Pictures
3-D Images
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