I'd like to ask you something if I could. Do you think of yourself as a good person? Most people would say yes.

But have you always kept the 10 commandments? Really? All of them?

One of them is Thou shalt not lie. Have you ever done that? I guess we all have at some point. So, if you have, what does that make you?  A liar, right?

What about the commandment that says, Thou shalt not steal? Have you ever done that? Not even something little? So if you have, what does that make you? If you are a lier when you have lied, then aren't you a thief, when you have stolen something?

Here is a good one, One of the commandments says, Do not commit adultery. But Jesus said, that if you look upon someone to lust after them, you have already committed adultery in your heart. Ever done that?

Are You a Good Person?

So if you have broken those commandments, and that is only three of the 10 commandments, then aren't you a lieing, thieving adulterer at heart? And if God judges you by those standards, do you think you would be found innocent or guilty on judgement day? Guilty, right? And if found guilty, do you think you would go to heaven or hell? But you might say, God is a loving and good God. He wouldn't send me to hell.

What if there was a murderer on trial, and he was found guilty. What do you think the judge would say if the murderer said, but judge, I am basically a good person, and I promise to never do it again. Do you think the judge would say, well, as long as you are a basically good person, and promise to never do it again, I will let you go? If he did, he wouldn't be a very good judge would he? If God didn't punish us for our sins, he wouldn't be a very good God, now would he?


Doesn't it concern you that you may have to spend eternity away from the Father that loves you? What can you do?

Ask God to forgive you of your sins, and turn away from them. Here is a prayer you can pray:

Father, please forgive me for all my sins. I know that you sent your son, Jesus, to die on the cross for me, so I wouldn't have to go to hell and be seperated from you for eternity. I ask you to come into my heart and my life and be with me forever. I want to live the rest of my life serving you.  In Jesus name, Amen



So, you might say, well, those standards are too high anyway. Nobody is perfect. No one can live a life that perfect.  And you are right. God knew that in our human imperfections, we would sin. And because he loves us so much, he sent his only son, Jesus, to take our punishment for us. Jesus died on the cross so we wouldn't have to spend eternity in hell seperated from him.


So if you have broken those commandments, and that is only three of the 10 commandments, then aren't you a lieing, thieving adulterer at heart? And if God judges you by those standards, do you think you would be found innocent or guilty on judgement day? Guilty, right? And if found guilty, do you think you would go to heaven or hell? But you might say, God is a loving and good God. He wouldn't send me to hell.



Did you pray that prayer? Congratulations! What do you do now? Find a good bible believing church and get under some good teaching. Fellowship with other Christians, study your bible. Through prayer and bible study, you develop your relationship with the Lord.

Welcome to the family!