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Earlier edition VII


At 11.38am on Sunday 28 May, Emily Tracey took her first solid food, 16 weeks and 2 days after being born. 


She managed to swallow the recommended 2tsp of baby rice, but she refused all attempts to give her more.



...not so sure about this, mummy!


Full size picture available in the Photo Album


John Hall First Quiz Winner


John Hall, a repatriated American, has won the first ever FTC Quiz with a staggering 9 points. The answers were:



Name Santa's Reindeer

comet, cupid, donner, blitzen, dasher, dancer, prancer, vixen, and RUDOLPH!



Name Thunderbird's Crew

Scott (1) Virgil (2) Alan (3) Gordon (4) John (5) all named after Mercury 7 astronauts.

Mr.  Tracey (Geoff)

Lady Penelope

Parker ex-con and chauffer of FAB1 the Rolls


The Hood his half brother Kyrano and his daughter Tin-Tin. And don't forget Grandma.



What did Shane Give to Sean at the Oberoi?

Shane had been taking pictures of the FTC crew snoozing at work or playing games on the computers. He gave Sean a photo album of the lot. By the way, the Oberoi is now named the Dammam Sheraton.




What weighs more, a pound of Gold or a pound of Lead.
This was a difficult one, Gold is weighed using Troy ounces, so a pound of Lead actually weighs more!



Which song was Colin actually encouraged to sing with "Here & Now"?

We did a fair version of "Guns and Roses" "Knockin' on Heaven's Door" and Colin's unique tone was an enhancement to the overall timbre. This song was the start of the end for "Here & Now" as the keyboard player, Ian, wasn't keen on heavy rock, but Colin and Chris were. This song included some fun heavy guitar madness which came to a screeching wail at the end! Ian preferred "Titanic." 



Mechanics posing as dentists arrested

Arab News



JEDDAH - Two mechanics who were posing as dentists running a successful clinic, have been arrested after they were found pulling out teeth with spanners and wrenches.


Their busy clinic, in a quiet residential part of Jeddah, has attracted on average 14 patients a day  over the three years it has been running, said local residents.


Capt. Salman Al - Muhayya, director of the Expatriate Monitoring Department in Makkah, told Al - Madina newspaper that the mechanics had converted a friend's flat into a clinic 


and did major teeth surgery using the same tools they used for their daytime job. He said that the pair had been under surveillance for several days after they were given information, but he did not disclose the names or nationalities of the accused.


"Police seized several tools, including spanners, screwdrivers, and several sets of false teeth," he said, adding that they would have caused problems not cured them. The mechanics, obviously, said the newspaper, did not have a dentistry license.





Alison two weeks to go


Alison has just two more weeks, before her second baby is due. Giles and Ben are eagerly waiting for the new addition to the family.


Alison- two more weeks


Full size picture available in the Photo Album









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