m:raYi g:aN:i (c) 1999-2000 @ http://gaanni.tripod.com/
For Windows Users
Quick Download : xdvng.zip
Download xdvng.ttf.
1. If you are using Netscape, to download this file on your PC you may need to hold SHIFT KEY down while clicking on xdvng.ttf.If you are using IE, to download this file on your PC you will need to right click on xdvng.ttf and select Save As. Otherwise click on xdvng.ttf file of size 54K. Note down the directory location where you download the xdvng.ttf file
2. Click START -- Settings -- Control Panel and open Control Panel Window.
3. Double Click Fonts file and open it.
4. Click File "Install New Fonts" to open "add fonts" Window.
5. Adjust the Drives and Folders to the location where you have the file xdvng.ttf
6. Once this is done you should see Xdvng(True Type) name in the List of Fonts window.
7. Click on the name Xdvng (True Type) name to highlight the name and hit OK This will install the xdvng fonts on your PC.
8. To see the xdvng script on your browser you may need to change the preferences to User Defined fonts
For Unix Users
Quick Download : xdvng.tar
BDF files for Unix by Sandeep

  1. Download the tarred fonts.
  2. Untar them. Run tar xvf xdvng.tar
  3. Change directory to xdvng by running cd xdvng
  4. Run mkfontdir $PWD. This should create a file fonts.dir which specifies the file to font mapping.
  5. Run xset fp+ $PWD; xset fp rehash. This appends the current directory (xdvng) to the font path, and forces the X server to re-initialize its fontset. (This step needs to be done every time you restart X windows. This command can be put in the .xinitrc file, so that it executes automatically whenever one starts X.)
  6. If you want to check to see if the fonts will be visible to your browser run xlsfonts to list all fonts. You should see lines that have the word xdvng in them.
  7. Restart your browser.
For Mac Users
Quick Download : xdvng_sea.hqx
TrueType for Mac, by Arun

  1. Download the fonts.