Daniel's WriteStuff

These are a few items for which I take full credit and/or blame. Of course © 1997, all rights reserved by me, Daniel Pyron, except when permission granted etc. updated 10/08/97

that loving feeling
For Brecht
of time and rivers
Introduction to an Unwritten Book
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eternal laborer
where is thy bread?
does it grow from yeast
and pureed rags?

go down to the sea
breathe the salt wind and
face the storm which comes
and when it comes
stand upon a dune
to live or die
upon a dune

solid sand of silicone
which shifts and sways
by wind or wave
solid in wind and wave

knead it well
knead a loaf of life
a bread seasoned by your hands
needing no other salt

as a dune crawling with the wind
eat this body
your body, this loaf

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 that loving feeling

where is my love?
no, not my lover
I know where my lover might be,
my love
where is my love?
perhaps piled in the sink
along with other dirty dishes.
under the bed gathering dust
growing moldy with age.
then again
perhaps it has runaway
to Haight-Ashbury
or Greenwich
or do people still go there?
my love could be there
but it doesn't matter
I have a lover
and who needs love
it only itches.

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rain some call it
but a name is a name
nothing more
a solace for ignorance.

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 For Brecht

"He who laughs has not yet heard the terrible news."

those damn birds
singing the day away
I wish to tell the news
to let them in on the awful secret
they would never listen.

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Send 5 dollars for
soiled panties
the American dream equipped
with 100 percent cotton
crotch size 5 only and don't forget
the sales tax, even dreams
have sales tax.


A short note of explanation on "classified", it really did come to me while reading classified adds. The world really is stranger than we can imagine.

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 of time and rivers

children by the river
sparkling like rain under
the cloudless sky.
laughter and fishing poles
scrambling through the bushes
sailing over the brown waters
feeling the breeze.
sun lapping like the river
on bare shoulders.
the cooling day and growing
sends the children back
into the town and home
and parents arms while another
peering into the shadows
sees other shadows and the end
of another day.

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if they only knew their
fates as I know their fates
they could not bear to live
but I have borne life.
a million years ago I knew
of each planted field &
& every stifled yawn
yet I have borne life.
I know what was & is & soon
shall be & I know the blood coursing
hot in the lovers' veins &
blood lying cold upon the ground
I shall not tell you all I
know, for I know, you'd
go mad for only the mad
can know.
I assure you there is no hope;
there never was
yet while there is life ...

but, you should just
walk away - now -
while there still
remains a frozen
instant of time.

Top of page.



if one gazes deeply into the flame
one will see the pulsing heart of the world
fickle and hot
burning the unwary
a comfort to the lonely
teacher to the mystic
aid to the needy
a sign for the lover
hot and sooty
burning its own way down to China
consuming itself
a consummation of its relationship with itself
and others
living for its moment of joy
before the world blows cold

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Notes for the introduction to a book I have not written with my friend Eltanin.

Each day we face a cacophony of conflicting beliefs. Some are old and some are new. The advocates of most beliefs say theirs is the TRUE-BELIEF and the others are FALSE-BELIEFS. When we scan history we see many TRUE-BELIEFS appearing then fading away. None of the current TRUE-BELIEFS are very old. Even in those cases where there is an old name for a belief, the beliefs called by that name have changed much from then to now. The old and the new can not be regarded as variations on one belief, but as entirely different systems under one name.
Yet we refuse to live without belief.

This is the paradox of humanity, the demand for an order to life (A fixed set of beliefs even though, fast or slow, all beliefs have always changed). WE also have other desires. To be accepted by others. To live well. To be at peace with others. To be happy.

Sometimes our beliefs get in the way.

We, the authors, do not pretend to have all the answers, nor that what we say will last forever. What we insist is that there are beliefs which can be trusted - for now- and that life can be meaningful and happy. Our plan is to show not just beliefs but a way of thinking about beliefs. So we intend to approach things sideways and not charge headlong into a battle of wits. We just ask that for now you accept what follows as true. The control of your beliefs is, as always, entirely up to you.

Some simple science and a simple parable:

Living beings survive by tropisms, the tendencies to seek that which is beneficial and avoidance of that which harms. These drives can be regarded as love and fear. A living thing loves that which is usually helpful and fears that which can harm.
For example, some moths use the celestial lights to establish direction. They love the distant lights because of their need for a compass. But all tropisms have limitations. Moths will circle around a campfire mistaking the flames for a celestial beacon. So the moths will circle the fire till they are exhausted, burned in the flames or consumed by the predators drawn to the mass of befuddled prey.

Moral: A deceived desire for life can kill.

Sometimes it is hard to know what to believe and sometimes the discovery of what is true must begin with the discovery of what is false. Like in high school math class when we had to prove a mathematical idea false by extending it to its ridiculous conclusion.
Some people say it does not matter what you believe as long as you are sincere. Let us assume this is true. Try to accept as true all religions, myths, sciences, philosophies and ramblings. Imagine a world with trolls, gods, goddess' poltergeists, banshees, elves, monsters and demons. That the earth is both flat and round. that both Ptolemy and Galileo are true.
Obviously the sun can not orbit the Earth while the Earth orbits the sun. Nor can the universe have both many gods and only one (or none). Some of you will say this is obvious and you are right. Yet we have all met or heard of someone who says "It's OK if it's true for you".

Assertion #1: Experiences vary from person to person but truth can not.

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© 1997 dpyron@rocketmail.com

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