In Life and Death
The Ancient Chinese worshipped their ancestors like Gods, and they asked them for advice about their daily lives. An emperor spent lots of time consulting his royal forefathers about ceremonies he was about to partake in. They 'spoke' to him through rituals and oracle bones, and gave him advice about ruling his country. The poor, when they died, were buried in very cheap coffins along with the little possessions they owned. Earlier, the tombs of the rich contained human sacrifices, but later artisans made clay, wood, and bronze models of servants and slaves to the deceased, which accompanied to dead to their tomb underground. Burial pits held many chambers with ceilings and walls decorated to look like a real house. Strange mythological creatures and soldiers guarded the entrance tunnels to the chambers.
A very important person called Princess Yongtai died during the Tang Dynasty, and her burial pit surely was fit for a princess- the decorations on the chamber walls and the furnishing reflected her high rank and position in life. Magnificent food, wine and other household goods guaranteed she would be in want of nothing.
Absolutely beautiful silk coffin coverings featuring magnificent designs were draped over a dead person's coffin, and the better quality the covering was, the better the person was.
The Ancient Chinese believed that the 'stone of heaven', jade, which lasted forever, prevented the body from decaying after death. During the Han dynasty, royal people were covered in suits made of tiny pieces of jade.